Clans are Here!If you haven't logged into War Alliance in a few weeks or months, you may have missed the latest, greatest, and perhaps largest addition we've ever made to War Alliance - Clans Foundation. It's been a long time coming and we're excited to bring a host of Clan-related features to the players and start laying the foundation for more to come in the future. So what are Clans all about? Clans allow players to band together, experience War Alliance in a social atmosphere, work on rewarding activities, and much more! Players have the option of starting their own Clan, with a variety of customization options at their disposal, or joining one that's already been created, complete with a handy search tool to help them find the perfect clan. SOCIAL Front and center in your Clans dashboard is the Clan chat. Acting as your social hub, the chat provides a robust selection of features akin to what you find in other chat programs, in addition to game-related social features such as deck sharing and duel requests. Acting as a community in and of itself, War Alliance Clans also allow for the assignment of various roles, giving those individuals certain privileges to help in the administration and moderation of the Clan. REWARDS Sound the call to arms because the time has come once again to take the field of war and reap an ever-growing bounty of rewards! GRAWWRR! Flavorful description aside, Supply Drops are an exciting way of working with your clanmates to get the highest amount of rewards possible within a given amount of time. The more 3-star wins you contribute, the greater the level of the Clan chest will be. FUN War Alliance brings fast-paced, competitive card clash battles to players all around the world, which is a heck of a blast on your own, but even better when you experience that with friends! Clans make it easy to initiate friendly duels with your fellow clanmates, but be careful... the results of those duels are shown automatically within the clan chat so you better be prepared to embrace the glory or suffer the trash talk. But Clans don't just make it easy to take each other on, but with Clan leaderboards, you can work together to gain medals and ascend to the top to grab untold glory and bragging rights.
Ready to jump into Clans? Click the button below to get started: