A HUGE Balancing HAS LANDED!Ghost, Hellbrand, Spiderlings, and much more are included in the latest Balance Update. But balance changes aren't the only things included. Here are the highlights:
New Events: - Infantry Fury & Rush added to the mix Balancing: - Spiderlings - Hit Points: Reduced from 320 to 290 - Bullfrog - Hit Points: Reduced from 900 to 850 - Movement Speed: Reduced from 12 to 10 - Swarm - Damage: Reduced from 15 to 12 - Medkit - Lifetime: Increased from 3 to 5 seconds - Effect Radius: Increased from 3 to 4 - Drills - Unit Amount: Increased from 3 to 5 - Increased Spawn Delay between each Drill - Cryo Turret - Attack Range: Increased from 11 to 12 - Hellbrand - Movement Speed: Increased from 14 to 16 - Hit Points: Increased from 3.200 to 3,400 - Ghost - Attack Range: Increased from 12 to 13 - Hit Points: Increased from 950 to 1,000 - Rocketeers - Hit Points: Increased from 55 to 65 - Sniper - Hit Points: Increased from 60 to 75 - Unlock moved to Platinum II Bug Fixes: - Game crashed upon opening card information from within the Battle Log - Ghost’s aura no longer affects Minefield, Boom Spiders, and TNT Truck - Other minor fixes and optimizations